What does "Third" mean?

     In 2018 I took a trip to Jamaica with my family. I was only 13 years old. My grandmother had a house down there and in her yard was a weed plant. Me being a curious 13 year old boy, I ate pieces off the plant. I then began to feel different or high. I ended up having a panic attack that night but I expected to wake up the next morning feeling like myself again because I didn't like how everything felt. That in fact did not happen, I still felt out of my body. I then thought “maybe it will wear off in a few hours”. It didn't, actually it NEVER wore off. I felt out of my body for three whole years until I slowly felt myself getting better. I am now 20 and even though I am for the most part healed. I don't feel the same and  don't think I ever will.
      The condition I developed is called “Depersonalization Disorder” or (DPDR) and It still affects my daily life. I started a brand that was originally called “Thirdperson” but then I rebranded to the infamous “FearThird”. So what does third mean? Well third represents what happened to me back in 2018. It is a testimony to the importance of staying sober and why you should appreciate the little things in life. Third as in the third person point of view. Because that's how I felt for all those years, Dissociated, detached and out of my body.